Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Today I spent time looking for pictures to illustrate my blog title. Lauren's blogs always look so professional, so I'm hoping to make mine that way too!

Unfortunately, the picture that I found and fell in love with is copyrighted, so I've sent an e-mail to the photographer asking permission to use it. Otherwise I'm going to have to get busy with my own camera and see what I can come up with...

Also, I've been compiling "nature oriented" activities to do with kids so that I can start blogging about them soon, complete with detailed descriptions of the activities. Most of them are ones that I remember from my childhood, but some are new, and all of them are benefiting from some detailed revision.

Finally, I've decided on a blog name. Juanita suggested that I use some of Richard Louv's language to come up with a name, and so I did. For better or for worse, it's going to be "Next Child in the Woods."


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I could help with the name. I like the idea that you're giving advice to people so there won't be a "last child" in the woods, but a next child and then another next child and another ...

Anonymous said...

Just looked at your picture choice, and it reminded me of last weekend when we took Andrew to our camper in the woods (you know, the camper we have in the Key West campground in Florida, MO?). He was digging a big rock out of the dirt and when he brought the rock to show me, in the dirt still on it, there was some sort of tiny seed that had sent its roots downward and its body upwards. When I explained to Andrew what it was, he decided he was going to replant it, which he did. While digging a little while later he found another just sprouted seed and brought it to me. Of course I praised him about it ... then wondered if it was perhaps a poison ivy seed ... but whether it was or not, Saturday was a great day in the woods for us. Andrew's at 4-1/2 years old is definitely one of those "next" in the woods.

Kate said...

The picture you fell in love with is awesome! It would serve as a great device when trying to grab the attention of other bloggers (and of course it's beautiful!). I hope you can nab the rights! I also like the name you have chosen for your blog; it seems like your project is coming together nicely!