Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Five Mushrooms makes me hungry!

No that's not a typo, or a lousy attempt at Engrish. Five Mushrooms is the name of the wiki that I've finally decided to talk about! Check it out here. I've found a lot of wikis on topics that I'm interested in, but very few that I could endorse.

This one is a different story. It still seems to be a work in progress (follow the mushroom link to shitake, and there's no info), but that's a good thing. Wikis are works in progress, right?

The color scheme is basic and pleasing to the eye, with a simple brown bar at the top (recalling mushrooms?) and white background, with subtle advertisements on the right hand side, but my favorite aspect is the site's organization. Links are easily visible and accessible, and generally divided into food categories such as vegetables, fish, mushrooms, etc. Links under each of these categories lead to fivemushrooms.com, which is a culinary search engine extraordinaire!

Overall, I'm drawn to this wiki for its layout and topic, both of which I find appealing. Plus, it's got a great name. This is a wiki I could envision editing! (And yes, that's the sound of Donna cheering in the background...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! I've never seen anything like it. I really like (which some people may not) that it is set up to look just like Google. It's something we are all familiar with. What it may lack originality, it makes up for big time in navigability. I have to agree as well, the layout is great. It's simple and clean. Great find!