Monday, March 3, 2008

Virtually Communicating

So this one isn't in direct response to our readings, or assignments. But I think it's a good example of what can happen to communicating (or trying to) sans facial expression, vocal inflection, etc.

My husband has a close-knit group of friends that he has kept in touch with since grade school. Most of them are married now, and the couples are spread throughout the country. Recently, one friend announced (through facebook) that he and his wife of seven months are expecting.

I posted the following on his wall: Well we wouldn't have guessed that you guys would be first, but CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

He posted on mine: thanks! but who did you expect to be first? :)

I on his: I don't know... but come on, So & So* and So & So* have 4 years, and we've got 5 to compare w/your 7 months! Guess you guys just know how to get busy... PLUS So & So* have been married for what? 3 or 4 years? I guess I was counting on them. ; )

He on mine: I would have to argue that years married is not an indicator of readiness for children :) Plus we're all getting more around the age of childbearing anyway! I hope we all have little bundles of joy soon enough!

Wow- all of a sudden I'm afraid he thinks I was commenting on his readiness for childbearing... Note to readers: if you didn't already know, that is TABOO in any format! I'm also wondering why we feel so compelled to put little smiley and winky faces all over the place. Is this our indication of the emotion that posts lack? If so, is he indicating that he's not offended? I hope so!

Now I'm off to craft a carefully worded apologetic post that indicates my enthusiasm for his step into parenthood, particularly when compared to all of his other friends' relatively slow progress in that area. Maybe I'll even throw in a punctuation face for good measure. Or maybe I should just call him...

*Names have been removed to protect the innocent.

1 comment:

Aa... said...

Ah yes...the "comment vs. message" dichotomy rears its ugly head. I struggle with this. Lots. The trouble, I think, is that wall posting is actually easier, so we go there first. It's also very interesting that when you don't comment back, people can have an intense range of reactions...

There's a lot to your idea about emoticon usage, a whole paper/project in fact, I bet.;)--there's a wink...what does it MEEEEAN??